

i've decided to produce a separate blog for my extra studies in printmaking. i thought this would be really useful for putting photos and my work up. i think i will probably digitize most of my print work anyways rather than laboriously cutting and sticking things in to sketchbooks and blogging has almost become a second nature.
back to the first print workshop. roger gave use our induction and unfortunately i had to go through the safety procedures for yet a third time, i think i could actually give a tour myself. after a lengthy 45 minute induction we began our first practical part, the intaglio process. a basic printing process which involves making marks into a surface to which ink or oil-paint which we used soaks into. having done this before i knew the possibilities straight away and bared no hesitation into getting stuck into this project.
i started looking at hearts again, using the print process to give them a better visual quality. i think this worked really well and the outcome looked bloody and messy which was exactly the feel of the image. normally for valentines a heart is depicted in a cliche curved 'feminine' form bearing little resemblance to what an actual heart look like. i want to produce a range of valentines cards based on the theme of what an actual heart looks like. i think it would be fascinating to look at something such as body parts in relation to something like valentines day which is a bit conservative.
i do feel that i have already pushed some bounds in print-making, i feel that using the print making as a tool of my trade i can use this to my advantage without taking on an extra workload on my degree. i do however think that using print-making will better refine my work and give it more of a raw and ready look than a neat edge. i aim to be a print-making master.

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