
Books for Brains

and indeed they are. taking on a similar process to what we have been doing previously we were working on an inverse of the intaglio process.
for the first part of the process we were to carve an image out of our choice onto a sheet of lino, although it wasn't  actually lino more of a rubbery substitute, using carving tools made by germans apparently the italians do a very bad job. :s 
the image that i selected to use was an image of a brain. after looking at the success of the image based on the heart i thought i would continue my exploration into parts of the human body. i chose to look at one of the essential human organs, the brain. how do you show a brain? i started by looking at the brain on google and chose a few images to work with. i began thinking like a graphic designer i started thinking about dehydration and how that would affect the size of your brain, having a small brain and a big brain, the connotations, is your brain hydrated? i think this would be perfect for a water company campaign of something or an education campaign. 
anyway the process we were looking at today looked at the reverse intaglio process. ink is rolled onto the plate of lino which has been carved, the ink sits on the top of the plate and not into the marks that have been made into the surface, they are left untouched. 
the process gave some very aesthetickal results and the images were very pleasing. 
i started thinking about christmas as well and i think this would be great for a book cover for my sister studying psychology. books are indeed for brains.

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